Field Notes, Team Q&As

A Q&A With Our Latest Recruits!

We’ve been hard at work this field season, and we’re so lucky to have added some incredible new members to our team (we’re talking about you, Mira, Julien, Ashley (and more))! Before we do a full deep dive into all of their backgrounds, we wanted to introduce you to each archaeologist with a little roundtable discussion. Curious about how they got into the industry? Maybe their dream archaeological destination? We have just the thing for you, 👇🏼

What brought you into the consulting archaeology industry?

This question was answered by several of our new employees, each sharing their unique motivations and experiences that drew them to the field of consulting archaeology—for some of our staff, their time spent in university and their past experiences sparked a desire for archaeology, emphasizing the joy of gaining hands-on experience while also appreciating the diverse opportunities within consulting that extend beyond fieldwork. Many of our staff also share an interest in archaeology and the outdoors, where fieldwork intersects, highlighting the rewarding nature of learning about the human past while getting to experience the beautiful landscapes all across western Canada. Notably, one of our staff mentioned their favourite thing about CRM archaeology is the ability to work in big teams to achieve goals with real-world impacts. Lastly, consulting archaeology offers a dynamic career path with continuous growth as archaeology is constantly evolving as new technologies and methods are developed. Together, their stories and remarks display their admiration and appreciation for fieldwork and the exciting prospects that consulting archaeology provides.


Continue reading to hear some perspectives and insights from Mira, Julien, and Ashley!


How did you learn about Circle, and what made you want to join our community?

Mira – A friend of mine worked for Circle several years ago and really loved the company. I was aware of the company from social media and word of mouth, but his experience at Circle is what made me want to be a part of the community here.

Julien – I learned about Circle through their online presence and personal friends. After further research and a bit of career planning, I realised I wanted to join a company known for its industry leadership and commitment to professional development.

Ashley – I remember hearing about Circle when I was finishing up my undergrad at the U of C.  Since then, I have followed the company on social media and told myself that I would one day work with Circle. There are so many reasons that made me want to join this community! Circle has always stood out to me as being a great place to work as you can feel the passion, enthusiasm, and love for archaeology through the social media posts and word of mouth. I always knew I wanted to end up at a company that cares about the work they do and also cares about the well-being and growth of their staff. 

So far, where has your favourite field trip at Circle CRM been?

Mira – None yet, I haven’t had the privilege of heading out to the field with Circle. But the office is a great environment!

Julien – So far, it has to be the mountainous interior of British Columbia!

Ashley – This is my first shift and near Fort MacMurray doing excavation and I’m already loving it. I feel like my list of favourite field trips will be quite long in no time. 

What keeps you motivated in the field?

Mira – The possibility of finding something really cool and learning something new about archaeology and the ancient past in whatever area I’m working in. I enjoy spending my time outside in nature, and doing archaeology adds a fun layer to being out there, exploring the wilderness.

Julien – The prospect of finding something, anything that hasn’t been touched by human hands since it was last buried. That, along with the challenge of making sense of archaeological evidence is what keeps me motivated.

Ashley – For me, it’s a combination of things. I will always say the potential of recovering artifacts keeps me motivated, even on those days when things seem really tough. But, I also think that knowing I’m in an area not everyone can access (and may not ever be able to access) is motivating in the sense that you want to be able to take the entire experience in.

If you could travel to a country specifically to do archaeology, where would it be and why?

Mira – Jordan! I have been fascinated by the Petra site ever since I was a kid after seeing an exhibition about it at the Glenbow Museum. I love the architecture–it’s SO beautiful–and I have a soft spot for buildings built into natural features or topography

Julien – I’ve had the privilege of conducting archaeology in several countries, with Tanzania being my favourite destination so far! But in the future, I would love to work in Angola to uncover traces of hominin occupation in the forested valleys that once existed along the margin of the Congo basin.

Ashley – Oh, that’s a tough one! When I first got into archaeology I probably would have said Greece or Egypt, but now I think I’d like to say Scotland. This is because one side of my family originates in Scotland and I think it would be an amazing experience to excavate somewhere where I have potential ties (although distant). 

We’re always on the lookout for great people!

If you’re looking for your next career adventure, we encourage you to head to our Jobs page for more info. Curious about the Circle CRM experience? Visit our Instagram to get a glimpse into what we do.

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