Field Notes

Farewell Field Archaeologist Mackenzie

We don’t enjoy saying ‘goodbye,’ so in this case, we’re opting for ‘see you soon’ when it comes to sending off Field Archaeologist Mackenzie. We had the pleasure of meeting Mackenzie at a career fair in 2019. He was later hired on as a new graduate and ended up sticking with us for three seasons in British Columbia. Even though we wish we could keep him as a part of our Circle crew forever, we couldn’t be more excited for him as he ventures off to the United Kingdom to pursue new goals! Before he left, we took him aside for a quick Q&A and asked him to share all the dirty details about his experience working at Circle.

First off, we asked Mackenzie to share a little bit about himself to give readers a small glimpse of his personality…

Hey y’all, I’m Mackenzie! I am a University of Calgary graduate who is finishing up my final season as a Field Archeologist for Circle! I was born in Kelowna and have lived there for the majority of my life. I enjoy playing video games, skiing, running, traveling, and watching sports. I also probably have an unhealthy obsession with F1 (YES, IT’S A SPORT!).

Where was your favourite place to work and why?

My favourite place would have to be the Tatla Lake area in British Columbia. I’ve always had good weather when working there and best of all, there are not a lot of bugs!

Can you share a funny (or heartwarming) story from the field?

I probably cannot share the funniest stories (pause while I laugh to myself), but what always makes me laugh is whenever a grouse jumps out of the bushes, causing people to scream. In fairness, I’m usually the one screaming, and I’m not ashamed to say it is quite high-pitched.

What is the one piece of field gear you couldn’t have lived without?

My bug net, I would lose all sanity without it. I’ll dare anyone to tell me about a time when they regretted bringing a bug net!

Any advice for arky students looking to break into the field?

A lot of what you learn in school doesn’t always come into play in the field, so it’s best to get ahead by searching for fieldwork while you’re a student. That way, you can prepare yourself by building your skillset for when you do graduate. Might I note, it’s also a super fun job to do in the summer!

What’s next for you?

At the start of the New Year, I will be on vacation in the Middle East before I move to the UK and start to transition my focus towards pursuing higher education.

What was your favourite thing about working at Circle?

My favourite part has got to be exploring the obscure parts of BC. I would never have gone to many of the locations we worked out of if it was on my own time. However, some of these locations have now become my favourite spots in the province. I’m no longer a big city boy!.. Kinda.

Any parting words?

I don’t like to think of it as a goodbye, more of an “I’ll catch you later.” It’s been a pleasure working with everyone, and I have not had one bad experience around, excluding the mosquitoes. I will full-heartedly miss seeing everyone that I have worked with and the back-and-forth banter we had. So, grab some wine and get ready to dine. Cheers!

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