Field Notes

Friday Lunch Club

Well, here we are. COVID. No parties, no gatherings, no end of season celebrations.


No thanks.

Everyone needs to travel, if only virtually! And we need to find ways to gather, connect, and communicate. Enter FRIDAY LUNCH CLUB!

Friday Lunch Club is a weekly series where we invite a presenter from different places around the world to talk archaeology (or something related to it). Last week, our fearless leader presented on the SVG Public Archaeology Program, which ran for two seasons in 2011 and 2012 to rescue and record significant archaeology (aka burials) on the island of St. Vincent.

Our tentative line-up for the next couple months will have you wanting to grab airplane snacks and a drink every Friday. Remember, it’s at noon (Alberta time) but some of our presenters will be zooming live from Europe, which means #daydrinking 🙂

Friday, December 4: Carmanah Olbrich on the ins, outs, ups, downs, of cooperative education/placement with Circle

Friday, December 11: Rupert Gietl of Arc-Team Archaeology (Italy) on Conflict Archaeology of WW1 in the Alps

Friday, December 18: Martin Fera (Austria) on Iron Age research in the Danube (central Europe) – houses on hills and chariots in mounds!

~Christmas Break~

Friday, January 8
: Lucy Lawrence (Buckinghamshire Council, UK), HS2 and all things British archaeology!

Friday, January 15: Nicole Huber, Gilbert Smith Forest Products Ltd. (Barriere, BC) on Forestry 101 (specifically for archaeologists)

Friday, January 22: Krista Gilliland, Western Heritage (Edmonton, AB) on Landscape Archaeology

Friday, January 29: Stephanie Halmhofer (Richmond, BC) on pseudoarchaeology

Friday, February 5: Pub Quiz with prizes from local (to Calgary) establishments

Friday, February 12: Suzanne Taylor (UK) on the Rose Theatre

Friday, February 19: Rachel Lindemann (Lethbridge, AB) takes us to Israel!

Friday, February 26: Dr. Bisserka Gaydarska and Dr. John Chapman on Trypillia megasites in the Ukraine

Friday, March 5: Luca Bezzi of Arc-Team Archaeology on professional archaeology in Italy

Friday, March 12: Our own Carissa Nakesch will guide us through a discussion on Indigenous Relations: Insights, Tips and Suggestions to Make Reconciliation a Reality by Bob Joseph.

Friday, March 19: Our own Jennifer Gainer (Field Director, BC Interior Plateau) on using LiDAR to study depressions

Friday, March 26: Our own Tyler Statz (M.A. in progress) on Scientific Colonialism!

Friday, April 2: Easter Pub Quiz!

~Easter Break~

Friday, April 16: Our own Michael Ross (Permit Holder, BC Interior Plateau) on Culturally Modified Trees

If you want to join in, hop on the zoom call below! And if you want to present, shoot us an email:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 762 296 068
Passcode: 017830

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