Field Notes

New multi-skelly photosynth

A collection, for lack of a better word, of skeletons were excavated during the 2011 season of The SVG Public Archaeology Program.  After identifying “a few bones” on the surface, a second, third, fourth, etc. burial was identified in the course of excavation… and this was during our last week there.  This always seems to be the case, that you find great stuff on your last day.

There were very few artifacts recovered here, though one complete pot was recovered, similar in form though much simpler in design, to the “grave-y boat” recovered with an earlier burial.  But guess what?  There are more burials there that need to be excavated.  Wanna take part?  Join us!

Here is a photosynth of this group of burials.  Play around with it; you’ll see the progress of excavation, as well as some close-ups with excavation complete.  Disregard our toes! These are from work-in-progress photos.

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