Field Notes

Why did YOU become an archaeologist?

Recently, Ancient Digger compiled and published a list from real-life (!) archaeologists on why they chose their profession.   As she said, it certainly wasn’t for the money nor the fame!  I thought it was a great list and think you should all check it out… This one’s my favourite: “I love everything that’s old: old friends, old times, old manners, old books, old wine… but mainly the wine.” (@YorksArch)

As for me, if you don’t already know the story, here it is.

I thought I wanted to be a fancy suit-wearing, money-grubbing, corporate executive; hence the B.A. in Economics.  But, lo and behold, fate (and my credit card) brought me to England on my first field school, and life changed.  We had found a large chunk of clay with fingerprints in it – Roman fingerprints.  It absolutely amazed me that they were 2,000 years old. Needless to say, I gave away those suits and traded them in for cargos and hand-me-downs… I don’t regret it for a second!

To this day, I am still amazed at how stuff gets buried, and how amazing things are still being uncovered.  Take, for example, the burials we uncovered in St. Vincent.  Elsewhere, fossils, houses, skeletons, monuments, and the list goes on and on… Get on Twitter and follow some good folks; you’ll see how amazing it is!


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One comment on “Why did YOU become an archaeologist?

  1. Thanks so much for featuring the post Margarita. I think it certainly helps when students looking to get into the field hear the truth right from the source.

    Oh, and I prefer cargos to suits any day of the week!

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