Field Notes

Coffee makes the world go round

It appears my blog posts haven’t been as regular as I’d like… but that is good news because it means I’m busy.  Definitely good news for an entrepreneur.  But being a sole business owner also means late nights and long work days.  Coffee is a necessity.

Along comes Conde Nast Traveller on my Twitter feed with an article about the best places in the world to drink coffee.  Not only does this appeal to my love for coffee, but my extreme love for coffee shops.  There is something so appealing about drinking good coffee in a great coffee shop.  I find it soothing and relaxing (maybe there’s something in the coffee), and it opens conversations.  I regularly “go for coffee” with my friends, and have meetings with potential clients in coffee shops.  Perhaps I am hoping the coffee and the ambiance will bring me good luck.

One day, I will visit all the coffee shops that Conde Nast listed (they look amazing).  For now, here are my top 3 coffee shops in Calgary.

1. Vendome – 940 2nd Ave NW, Calgary – This one is just a few blocks from my house, which is very handy.  Great coffee, great food, great service… but the word is out.  It can get pretty busy in there.

2. deVille – 807 1st Street SW, Calgary – There are two locations for deVille in Calgary.  This one’s in Fashion Central, the other one is in Art Central.  For some reason, I prefer being around all the fancy clothes.

3. Kawa – 101-1333 8th Street SW, Calgary – This one is right around the corner from a friend’s place; also handy.  Bonus: they also serve wine, giving you two great reasons to go there!

What’s your favourite?

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