Walk back in time at Head Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
Head Smashed-In Buffalo Jump is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is claimed to be one of the world’s oldest, largest and best-preserved buffalo jumps (that we currently know about). What is a buffalo jump, you might ask? Well, it’s where North American Indians “led” Bison along the prairie towards the edge of a cliff, where they eventually fell to their death. A clever hunting technique where you kill (more than) two birds with one stone.
Head Smashed-In is a living testament to the ancient practices of Alberta’s native peoples, and is a great place for kids of all ages to learn about archaeology. On Wednesday, May 4, renowned Alberta archaeologist, Jack Brink, will be giving a guided tour of the 5,700 year old drive lanes and other significant archaeological sites in the area. The drive lanes are not generally open to the public, so take the day off, hop in your car, and spend the day roaming where the buffalo roamed. (Call first!)
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kg0we0UCeps]